Friday, January 23, 2009

Articles on Trekking - Vasota-Nageshwar, Fansad-Korlai, Ankaai-Tankaai

Here are my few articles about trekking and nature ! I have written those in my Mother Language, i.e. Marathi ! :-)

Ruby on Rails - Metric_fu integration with cruisecontrol.rb

You can integrate metric_fu with cruisecontrol ! It is very simple and straightforward !

Metric_fu is a set of rake tasks to generate metrics reports. It uses Saikuro ( Cyclomatic complexity), Flog (Cyclomatic complexity) , Rcov (Unit test coverage), Churn ( Finds how many times your files have been changed), Subversion, Git, and Rails built-in stats (LOC, Methods, Test LOC, Code LOC, etc.) task to create a series of reports.

There was issue with stats report not rendering properly in the browser. Fixed that issue with modifying stats rake task inside metric_fu.
Modified file :- jscruggs-metric_fu-0.8.0\lib\tasks\stats.rake