Saturday, October 23, 2010

Who will cry when you die by Robin Sharma

I recently read 'Who will cry when you die?' book written by Robin Sharma - the author of the best seller 'The Monk who sold his Ferrari'. The book is a collection of 101 life lessons explained in a very short but succinct manner. Even if we practice only some of these lessons in our day to day life, it will certainly enrich the quality of our personal and professional life. Listing some of the lessons that I liked the most:-

- Start Your Day Well
- Talk to Yourself
- Remember, Genius Is 99 Percent Inspiration
- Get Up Early
- Laugh More
- Spend a Day Without Your Watch
- Take More Risks
- Live a Life
- Always Carry a Book with You
- Enjoy the Path, Not Just the Reward
- Get Good at Asking
- Connect with Nature
- Use Your Commute Time
- Get Serious About Setting Goals
- Walk in the Woods
- Listen to Music Daily
- Learn to Meditate
- Stop Complaining and Start Living
- See Your Day as Your Life
- Be Humble
- Don’t Finish Every Book You Start
- Sleep Less
- Learn How to Walk
- Plant a Tree
- Be an Adventurer
- Respect Your Instincts
- Love Your Work

Enjoy reading !


  1. Dude good to hear that you value your life ..and dont spend it in wasting time ( like sitting like idiot infront of idiot Box). My sincere suggestion to you, You love the nature dont you ? So also you love reading and carrying a book all the time with you ..... Why dont you read the book which is claimed to be from the source, who brought the things you admire most (ie., the Nature) into being ????? Start reading The Quran , the book from the one and only God !!!! There has to be some meaning to life, rather than just, working , eating , sleeping, getting old !!! This link might help you , an eternal quest of a Ph.D Doctor to find the truth !!!!

    By the way, iam a software developer, and stumbled upon your blog to get some insight into prawn,prawnto .thanks for the info you have put. And the help i got from you has inspired me to write this short message

  2. Thank you :-) I also watched the video that you have shared and somehow I got a feeling that you are provoking Islam into my mind. In the video, Dr. has sited an example of Swami Vivekananda considering an idol worship as a symbol to approach the Ultimate God which is absolutely true. This is the great Dwaita-Adwaita Siddhanta of Hinduism. I would also like to quote Swami Vivekananda from his speech in Chicago-"I am proud to belong to a religion which has taught the world both tolerance and universal acceptance. We believe not only in universal toleration, but we accept all religions as true..." I would definitely read Quran translation, but would also like to suggest you to read BhagwadGeeta, VedantaDarshan, Upanishads, Patanjal Yogadarshan to name a few in which our great ancestors have provided abundant knowledge of Science, Life and the Ultimate Truth.

  3. A good post Niranjan,
    Very true... there are very relatively Simple measures you need to take to be come happy.
    About The comment of Anonymous,
    Hinduism accepts worshiping of idols as one of the paths leading to God/ ultimate reality, although it believes that the ultimate reality is shapeless, non explainable etc.. If Islam also accepts idols worshiping parallel to praying Nimaz in mosque... nobody should have much resistance ...

  4. Hey Niranjan,
    That's a real nice post..We actually forget how to live life.Many of us always face this dis balance of life which affects our personal and professional life.We should have time for everything in our life but we focus just on one thing and we move towards gaining it and we forget how many things we are leaving behind because of it.

    Some lines from Geeta Saar i want to focus which tells us the same..

    You did not bring anything when you were born.

    Whatever you have, you have received from Him.

    Whatever you will give, you will give to Him.

    You came empty handed and you will go the same way.

    Whatever is yours today was somebody else’s yesterday and will be somebody else’s tomorrow.

  5. That's perfectly true Ankit. Thanks ...
