Tuesday, December 21, 2010

My first Android app with Rhodes

Few days back, I attended a free online course on 'Develop Mobile apps on Android phones with Rhodes'. The course was made available on RubyLearning.org by Ruby mentor and evangelist Satish Talim. Though it was a very basic course, I got a good hands on the Rhodes framework. Good learning for me ! :-)

I am not going to list down the steps for building this sample app as these are very well explained in the online course by Satish Talim. Similar steps are also available at Rhohub and Rhodes sites under documentation. So I would request everyone who is interested to learn Rhodes to attend this course. It is definitely a good beginning.

The app that I created was a simple Contact app where you can enter Contact's name, email, phone and country and can perform CRUD operations on the Contact model. I pushed my app to Rhohub via Git. This is snapshot of my app on Android emulator :-

Looks good and simple ! Isn't it? Planning to try some advance things with Rhodes now!



    Do you have any idea of connecting to a backend servcie with a specific username and password and showing his own records in the contacts page.

    Please help me if you know this

  2. Hi Hanumakanth,
    Though I have not tried connecting to a backend service in rhodes, Rhosync should have a way to achieve this. Please refer Rhosync documentation online. You may also want to take a look at http://groups.google.com/group/rhomobile/browse_thread/thread/e79878b68ac03900

    Hope this helps. Thanks !
