Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The Secret book by Rhonda Byrne

Another good book that I read few days ago! Thanks to my friend Swati Desai for gifting me this wonderful book which talks about spreading only positive thoughts and energy into the Universe. The book reminded me of the famous Alchemist quote :- "When a person really desires something, all the universe conspires to help that person to realize his dream."

As the book says, the negative thought gets only multiplied in your mind. It is true. When you have a negative thought about a person or his behavior, you will notice it really gets multiplied. You tend to think more negative things about the person which never existed before in your mind about that person. It is of no use to your state of mind and also to the person who you are thinking about. You start to attract your dominant thoughts. You spoil your own life.

Instead why not try to inculcate positive thoughts into our mind? The thoughts full of positive energy, positive attitude and positive beliefs ! As the book says, happy and positive feelings will attract more happy and positive circumstances. It costs zero money from your pocket.

Hmm... it's time to act on it now!

This is the official website of The Secret :- http://www.thesecret.tv/

I have signed up for the the Secret Scrolls on this site. Have you ?

Enjoy reading ...

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